Annual Roadmapping Intensive

Create an annual roadmap you can execute to keep your team aligned, maximize your organization’s capacity, and bring your goals to life

Create an annual roadmap you can execute to keep your team aligned, maximize your organization’s capacity, and bring your goals to life

What will you and your team prioritize in 2024?

Do you wish your team’s activities always translated to progress on the company’s priorities?

You want to drive progress toward reaching your goals, but factors such as bottlenecks, unclear priorities, overestimating your bandwidth, confusion within your team, or a lack of delegation hold you back.

You need an annual roadmap to overcome those obstacles and lead your organization in the right direction.

What will you and your team prioritize in 2024?

Do you wish your team’s activities always translated to progress on the company’s priorities?

You want to drive progress toward reaching your goals, but factors such as bottlenecks, unclear priorities, overestimating your bandwidth, confusion within your team, or a lack of delegation hold you back.

You need an annual roadmap to overcome those obstacles and lead your organization in the right direction.

Attend the Annual Roadmapping Intensive to Clear Your Company’s Path for Growth

Set your organization up for success with an effective annual plan by attending our one-day, in-person Annual Roadmapping Intensive in Des Moines, Iowa.

Throughout the workshop, you’ll be guided by experts who know the ins and outs of successful business planning. As an attendee, you will:

  • Craft a powerful, annual plan for 2024
  • Learn how to select the right projects to achieve your annual goals
  • Gain expert guidance for a successful business roadmap
  • Calibrate your projects against your capacity
  • Learn how to effectively implement your plan with your team
  • Get out of the day-to-day to plan the future of your organization

You’ll leave the one-day intensive ready to clearly articulate your goals, communicate them to your team, and mobilize your plans.

Join Us!

The standard rate to attend the Annual Roadmapping Intensive is $1,500 per registration.

We’ve designed this workshop to make annual roadmapping more accessible by offering multi-attendee discounts as well as Forge-client discounts.

Number of
Client Rates
Client Rates
1 $1,500 $1,250
 2 $1,400 $1,150
 3 $1,350 $1,100
 4 $1,300 $1,050
 5 $1,250 $1,000


DECEMBER 12 and 13, 2023

Join Us for the Next
Annual Roadmapping Intensive


Book a
Discovery Call

Fill out the request form to schedule a call with a Forge leader.


Select Your
Path Forward

Get personalized service options designed to address your needs.


Unlock Faster
Business Growth

Gain insights and support to help you achieve your goals.


Request More Information

Fill out the registration form or request more information to learn more about the intensive.


Attend the Annual Roadmapping Intensive

Join us in Des Moines for a full day of planning for 2024.


Bring Your Goals to Life

Leave the intensive ready to empower your team and achieve your 2024 goals.


Request More Information

Fill out the registration form or request more information to learn more about the intensive.


Attend the Annual Roadmapping Intensive

Join us in Des Moines for a full day of planning for 2024.


Bring Your
Goals to Life

Leave the intensive ready to empower your team and achieve your 2024 goals.


Book a
Discovery Call

Fill out the request form to schedule a call with a Forge leader.


Select Your
Path Forward

Get personalized service options designed to address your needs.


Unlock Faster
Business Growth

Gain insights and support to help you achieve your goals.


Request More Information

Fill out the registration form or request more information to learn more about the intensive.


Attend the Annual Roadmapping Intensive

Join us in Des Moines for a full day of planning for 2024.


Bring Your
Goals to Life

Leave the intensive ready to empower your team and achieve your 2024 goals.


Book a
Discovery Call

Fill out the request form to schedule a call with a Forge leader.


Select Your
Path Forward

Get personalized service options designed to address your needs.


Unlock Faster
Business Growth

Gain insights and support to help you achieve your goals.

Register for the Annual Roadmapping Intensive by December 4

Don’t wait another year to make dedicated progress toward your organization’s growth. Grow your organization and empower your team with the strong, annual plan you create at the Annual Roadmapping Intensive.


Find Answers to Your Questions About the Annual Roadmapping Intensive

Yes! If you don’t have an established leadership team, you can still work through the intensive to complete your annual plan, and we welcome you to do so.

If you have a leadership team but haven’t done annual planning before, you might also prefer to attend alone for your first time based on your learning and operating preferences.

Yes! If you don’t have an established leadership team, you can still work through the intensive to complete your annual plan, and we welcome you to do so.

If you have a leadership team but haven’t done annual planning before, you might also prefer to attend alone for your first time based on your learning and operating preferences.

You’ll join us from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT on the day of the intensive (December 12th or 13th), with a one-hour break for lunch, as well as morning and afternoon breaks with snacks.

The Annual Roadmapping Intensive is held at the Forge Financial and Management Consulting Office in West Des Moines, Iowa.

Upon completion of the registration form, you will receive an email from the Forge Team with a link to securely submit payment information.

You’ll have:

  • Your complete Annual Roadmapping Workbook that includes all the tools needed to define your goals and determine your plan for the coming year
  • Clarity around how to take action on your plan in the coming year
  • Defined outcomes and themes for 2024 and the planned strategies and projects associated with those goals
  • Project Proposal and Brief templates to help you effectively define and delegate projects to your team, contractors, or volunteers
  • Training and concrete steps to take when rolling out your Annual Roadmap to your team and stakeholders