KPI Dashboard Reporting

Track key financial metrics to understand how your organization is running in real-time and lead proactively

Track key financial metrics to understand how your organization is running in real-time and lead proactively

Too Many Organizations Operate in the Dark

Financial statements offer valuable information, but they can be difficult to decipher. Plus, they provide an outdated financial snapshot by the time you review them.

It’s easy to feel lost when relying on confusing past data to inform decision-making.

Too Many Organizations Operate in the Dark

Financial statements offer valuable information, but they can be difficult to decipher. Plus, they provide an outdated financial snapshot by the time you review them.

It’s easy to feel lost when relying on confusing past data to inform decision-making.

With the Right Information, You Can Make the Best Decisions

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) offer the clarity you need to move forward strategically.

They show what’s already happened (lagging indicators) and how your organization runs in real-time (leading indicators), giving you greater influence over your future.

Instead of diagnosing what went wrong based on outdated data, KPIs help you identify issues while there is still time to react and correct them.

Rely on KPI Dashboard Reporting to Make Decisions With Confidence

At Forge, we believe you should be able to effectively lead your organization and make critical decisions with less overwhelm. With current data always within reach, your team can work proactively to achieve your goals.

First, we narrow in on the best metrics to measure for your business based on your critical activities, such as:

  • Revenue trends

  • Top operating expenses
  • Asset, liabilities, and cash trends

  • Actual-to-average comparison

Next, we use vetted tools to present data on your identified KPIs in a visual dashboard you can access at any time.

Rely on KPI Dashboard Reporting to Make Decisions With Confidence

At Forge, we believe you should be able to effectively lead your organization and make critical decisions with less overwhelm. With current data always within reach, your team can work proactively to achieve your goals.

First, we narrow in on the best metrics to measure for your business based on your critical activities, such as:

  • Revenue trends

  • Top operating expenses
  • Asset, liabilities, and cash trends

  • Actual-to-average comparison

Next, we use vetted tools to present data on your identified KPIs in a visual dashboard you can access at any time.

Bring KPI Dashboard Reporting into Your Organization Through Our Virtual CFO Services

As we’ve worked with hundreds of clients, we’ve found that KPI dashboard reporting works best when paired with the financial visibility, strategy, and support offered in our virtual CFO services.

Our virtual CFO services go beyond basic bookkeeping to provide accurate, timely, and relevant financial information and insights you can use to lead with confidence.

Scale Faster with KPI Dashboard Reporting as Part of Your Virtual CFO Package


What’s the Difference Between a Bookkeeper, Controller, and CFO?

If you feel you’ve outgrown your bookkeeper, discover the missing financial roles every growing organization needs: controller and CFO.