“The Families First Coronavirus Response Act” (FFCRA), which goes into effect April 2, 2020 and expires December 31, 2020, responds to the coronavirus outbreak by providing additional assistance in the areas of COVID-19 testing, sick leave, food assistance, and more. We’ve compiled key details of FFCRA that we believe you need to know.

In summary, the Act:

  • Requires private insurance plans to provide free COVID-19 testing
  • Requires employers to provide emergency paid sick leave to workers affected by
    COVID-19 and expands family and medical leave.
  • Offers increased funding for state unemployment insurance, food stamp and nutritional programs.

More specifically, here’s what The Families First Coronavirus Response Act means for both business owners and employees in the areas of sick leave and expanded family and medical leave.

  • Employees are eligible for up to two weeks of sick leave (full pay for self, 2/3 pay for family care) for illness, quarantine or school closures.
  • Employees are eligible for up to 12 weeks of FMLA leave for school closures (10 days unpaid and then up to 10 weeks at 2/3 pay).
  • FMLA expansion covers:
    • Employers with fewer than 500 employees
    • Employees who have been employed for at least 30 calendar days (some exclusions may apply)
    • Employees who must care for children under the age of 18 in the event of school and place-of-care closures or if care provider is unavailable due to a public health emergency with respect to COVID-19.
  • Emergency paid sick leave covers:
    • Employers with fewer than 500 employees
    • All employees no matter the length of employment (some exclusions may apply)

The Coronavirus situation is changing rapidly, as are the updates to various relief efforts. We will continue to monitor news and keep you updated as clarification is provided.

If you have questions, be sure to reach out to us. The entire Forge Financial and Management Consulting team is here to support and guide you!


Courtney De Ronde

Courtney De Ronde
Courtney is the CEO at Forge and is primarily responsible for the firm’s vision and strategic direction. Her professional background includes almost two decades serving small businesses and nonprofits. Courtney's expertise goes beyond finance, she is a Certified Full Focus Planner Professional and speaks regularly on leadership, decision making, goal creation, and productivity.

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