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Do any of these statements sound like you?

  • I live with a perpetual sense that I’ve forgotten something.
  • I’m simply going through the motions and watching time pass me by.
  • I am too busy. My to-do list never gets any shorter.
  • I know what I should be working on, but I get distracted and never seem to make any progress.
  • I put my dreams on the shelf long ago. I want to get there someday, but year after year, someday never comes.

I get it. I’ve been there.

I used to have no structure to my calendar. I was constantly switching gears – meetings, appointments, and time to work on projects were crammed into my calendar wherever and whenever there was an empty spot. And what I couldn’t get finished during the day, I picked back up in the evening, early morning, or weekend hours.

As I went through my day, I captured ideas, thoughts, and to-dos all over the place – my iPad, one of half a dozen note pads, meeting agendas, etc. I checked my email between meetings, on my phone in line at the grocery store, before work, after work, anywhere – mostly to see what was there; not to do anything with the emails. So, those messages would stay in my inbox, along with thousands of others, for me to deal with later when I had time.

I had a constant and nagging feeling that I was forgetting something and a fear that I had dropped the ball on something. I was always busy. Never felt prepared. Never felt rested. I was overwhelmed. And I was starting to wonder how in the world I could sustain this pace.

Then, I read a book by Michael Hyatt called Free to Focus* and started using the Full Focus System.

What is the Full Focus System?

The Full Focus System is the goal achievement and productivity framework. With this system, I now have:

  • A Central Storehouse for all of my tasks, notes, and to-dos
  • Worthwhile Goals I’m excited to pursue
  • Clear Priorities instead of a never ending to-do list
  • Consistent Accountability by focusing on just three tasks in the right direction each day
  • Actionable Plans to achieve my goals

I now capture all my notes and to-dos in one place. I established a habit of reflecting and planning every day, every week, and every quarter. I created an ideal week to batch similar ways of working or thinking to stop wasting energy switching gears or worrying I’ve missed something. I put boundaries around my work time, including no more work on nights and weekends or on vacation. I learned to prioritize and focus on what to do. I set goals and wrote them down; then, I started reading them every morning as part of my morning routine – along with my cup of coffee, reading my daily devotional, exercising, and getting myself and the kids out the door. I process my email inbox a few set times each day. And when I leave work, I leave work (mostly; nobody’s perfect).

The Full Focus System is embodied by the Full Focus Planner – a physical tool to help you execute the system. However – you do not have to have a planner to execute the Top 5 Ways to Reach Your Most Ambitious Goals + Achieve the Lifestyle You Desire.

The key practices include:

  1. Goal Setting
  2. Creating Constraints
  3. Reflection
  4. Planning
  5. Automation

I have learned the difference between time management and energy management. I have learned the power of habits and the power of rest and rejuvenation. I have learned that I can win at work and succeed at life.

To learn more about the Top 5 Ways to Reach Your Most Ambitious Goals + Achieve the Lifestyle You Desire, check out this webinar recording.


Courtney De Ronde

Courtney De Ronde
Courtney is the CEO at Forge and is primarily responsible for the firm’s vision and strategic direction. Her professional background includes almost two decades serving small businesses and nonprofits. Courtney's expertise goes beyond finance, she is a Certified Full Focus Planner Professional and speaks regularly on leadership, decision making, goal creation, and productivity.

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